White chocolate and caviar pairing

Sometimes I’ll stumble across a food pairing that seems so contradictory that it begs me to try it for myself. Time to try white chocolate and caviar pairing!


Oh you dirty little fish you.
Oh you dirty little fish you.

Apparently this pairing owes its genius to a compound called Trimethylamine which is found in both white chocolate and caviar, and according to Wiki has a fishy smell in low concentrations. This is odd because white chocolate doesn’t seem fishy, if it did I would probably like it more. Seriously, what is the point of white chocolate when you have the choice of dark chocolate instead?

Anyway, I had to try it. Problem was I didn’t have a fish mold. So I made one, actually two come to think of it- one made out of hot glue (from a glue gun), and one using agar agar.

Now, after trying this I realise the point of white chocolate – to go with caviar. It is really pretty decent.

There’s not much more to say about this so here’s some piccy-wicks.

Carve a fishy out of potato, place in some warm agar agar solution and leave till set.
Carve a fishy out of potato, place in some warm agar agar solution and leave till set.
This pic is purely here for my enjoyment. Um, don't put chocolate in the microwave. There, this picture serves more of a purpose now.
This pic is purely here for my enjoyment. Um, don’t put chocolate in the microwave. There, this picture serves more of a purpose now.
The making of a really pregnant fish.
The making of a really pregnant fish.


This is how Aero is made.
This is how Aero is made.