Some Single Malt Whisky and friends

In the past few months I have gotten really interested in Whisky, particularly in single malt whisky.

One of the biggest epiphanies I’ve had is the variety of single malt whiskies out there, from incredibly fruity and light to “big-boned” and smokey. So in the light of discovering something new and broadening my circle of whisky friends, I invited my usual whisky bud, Kevin, as well as Brad, who writes for his own whisky blog-  Whisky & Ginger.

Each bringing a bottle or two of our current favourites, we had, in order of tasting:

Glen Grant (16yr)

Glen Grant - 16 year old
Glen Grant – 16 year old

This Speyside single malt,  to me at least, tasted of stewed fruit, orange rind, and even almonds. It was a fantastic way to start the tasting, and was difficult to move on.

Brad – 7/10

Kevin – 7/10

Luke – 6/10


Bruichladdich (the Classic Laddie)

Bruichladdich - Scottish Barley, the classic laddie
Bruichladdich – Scottish Barley, the classic laddie

Although Islay is known for it’s peatiness, the Classic Laddie is unpeated, incredibly floral on the nose, and almost has a saltiness to it. Not a judge a book by it’s cover but I have a huge design-crush when it comes to the Bruichladdich, it’s strange to say that I feel more strongly about the receptacle than the contents, but that’s just me.  It’s a whisky that makes me smile, especially if the bottle is around to look at.

Brad – 8/10

Kevin – 6/10

Luke – 7/10


Dalmore (12yr)

Dalmore - 12 year old
Dalmore – 12 year old

There is something immensely comforting about single malt whisky that has been in a sherry cask (50% in bourbon barrels, and the rest in 30yr old Matusalem oloroso sherry casks). Dalmore is, and has every right to be, very proud of their 12 year old.

Brad – 8/10

Kevin – 6/10

Luke – 8/10



Kavalan - Pure Taiwan
Kavalan – Pure Taiwan

This single malt whisky is fantastic, not only is it a great tasting whisky but it’s from Taiwan, giving the Scots a run for their money. It’s a clean and floral single malt, with hints of honey, pear, and even coconut.

Brad – 8/10

Kevin – 7.5/10

Luke – 7/10


Laphroaig (Quarter Cask)

Laphroaig - Quarter Cask
Laphroaig – Quarter Cask

By looking at the scores for this one, it goes to show that single malt whisky is something personal. My personal suspicion is that they loved it so much that they gave it low scores to try and bring the stock price down so they can buy as much as they can at a lower price!

This was by far the most peated single malt whisky we tried on the day, and for me at least, I think the tasting ended on a very high note.

Brad – 5.5/10

Kevin – 6/10

Luke – 8,5/10


All in all, it was an afternoon well spent, and I’m looking forward to the next one, cheers!